The morning I worried if my baby reached school…

The morning I worried if my baby reached school…

[Before I get into the incident, a quick backgrounder… 1) Sanjeev was travelling, and as I leave for work before our young lady takes the school bus, clear instructions to her is to call me once she boards the bus. 2) She makes no bones that she’s crazy about her dad and doesn’t shy away from announcing it]

Bed-time selfie after a busy day
Okay, so yesterday morning I was busy at work, and it was only by 6.50am that I realized I didn’t hear from my baby. Called her. She didn’t answer. I made at least 5 more calls in vain.
I then expected her to mail me. [As she does on days she stays back in school unscheduled]
I know she is an independent and capable girl, yet I was restless. I was confident she was safe, yet I was getting edgy. I knew she would not like me checking on her, yet I wanted to…
So after about two hours of waiting, at 8.45 I rang up the school and requested the receptionist if they could have her call me. [Now, the shame in me didn’t let me reveal that I was checking if my child had reached school]
9.05am I get my baby’s first mail. Here it’s verbatim… 
I’m in school. Don’t worry…..
Couldn’t call you ‘cause there was no credit in the phone.
Got to know that only in the bus stop. So I thought I would send you a mail after getting to school. But there was choir and people asking for books and stuff. So I couldn’t send it.
I’m sooooooooooooo SORRY…….
Don’t be mad.
I love you
A lot
You are a VERY sweet person ALL the time.
Love you………….
Love you more……………………
3 minutes later, I get another mail… 
You sure you’re not mad??
‘Cause I feel really bad and sad.
But I love you
A lot
You know??
I love you more than papa 😉
See you at home……

O! My sweet baby!!
I rushed back home to make her favourite pasta. Welcomed her with an apology for not realizing she didn’t have credit on her phone.
“That’s fine Mamma. It happens,” said my baby kissing me. I hugged her tight, saying, “Love you baby!
“Love you, too, Mamma!” she cooed.
“You know what, I made your fav pasta today,” I announced overwhelmed with emotions.
“That’s for the phone card?”
“Nothing Mamma. I love you.”
As I stood serving her, I heard, “…But not as much as Papa!”
“But that’s not what you wrote to me this morning.” 
 “Oh that! That came from the keyboard Mamma, not my heart!”
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