03 Dec Stupid adults…get some life people!
Column in Hitavada on Dec. 1
I never wanted to write this. But the stupidity in people – those who pride themselves to be educated and well-positioned – has gotten me here. Am helpless like them, but am ashamed unlike them.
I am not an expert or a scholar nor am I interested in dissecting the government’s demonetisation policy [I stand corrected. It’s Modi’s demonetisation. It’s not the government’s nor the nation’s. It’s the Prime Minister’s I’m given to understand]
Demonetization is like a massive tornado ripping apart everything along its way – families and friends
Demonetization is like a massive tornado ripping apart everything along its way – families and friends
I am appalled by the impact the new policy has unleashed – it’s like a massive tornado ripping apart everything along its way – families and friends are torn apart because they fail to anchor themselves.
And, yes, I’m not interested in talking of corruption either – apparently, the root cause for the current scenario in India.
My only concern is the divide the new policy has exposed. The great divide in the hearts and minds of the adults – the stupid, immature adults. And to imagine majority of adults are divided is shameful.
Modi-ism is the new scale of patriotism his supporters use to silence non-conformists
Modi-ism is the new scale of patriotism his supporters use to silence non-conformists
I’ve seen WhatsApp group arguments turn into ugly fights and buddies spewing venom on each other and calling off their friendship of decades because they do not endorse each other’s opinion.
Modi-ism is the new scale of patriotism his supporters use to silence non-conformists. Modi-ism has also become the new licence for non-supporters to blame every vice around in the country on the government. The chasm is so deep that there is no middle path. While, the supporters are intolerant of those who attempt to reason or question, the non-supporters are intolerant of those who try to explain.
Modi-ism has also become the new licence for non-supporters to blame every vice around in the country on the government
Modi-ism has also become the new licence for non-supporters to blame every vice around in the country on the government
One cannot merely state facts or empathize casually any more. You need to check in which august company you are in – else you’ll be left in the cold to prove your identity to begin with.
Simple jokes aren’t tolerated. Previously those who laughed together at husband-wife, Alia and Rahul jokes, now reach for the others’ throats. At an event when an innocuous joke was made about Trump and Modi, a woman booed the person aloud and announced “I will not tolerate anything about our Prime Minister and his demonetisation policy.” In yet another group a demonetisation supporter complained that she cannot tolerate some communities speaking non-sense.
Religious and community divide has always existed in our country, but we’d always remained buoyant
Religious and community divide has always existed in our country, but we’d always remained buoyant
This is dangerous. This is pathetic. This is sad. The undercurrent has always been there. Religious and community divide has always existed in our country, but we’d always remained bouyant. However, the current intolerance is unprecedented.
On the one level, if experts and scholars debate on demonetisation vis-a-vis its economic, national and future impact, then on the mundane level common man debate the policy vis-a-vis religion, faith and political allegiance.
What’s the use of having a booming economy and a corruption-free system, if common man cannot tolerate each other, if they cannot accept one another? If political allegiance dictates friendship and religious allegiance dictates patriotism, then we should be ashamed to call ourselves humans.
Politicians – those in power and those powerless – will never acknowledge this divide, for they feast on it. And with the by-elections on and the major one fast-nearing, they will only stoke it, with social media adding fuel to the blaze.
If political allegiance dictates friendship and religious allegiance dictates patriotism, then we should be ashamed to call ourselves humans
If political allegiance dictates friendship and religious allegiance dictates patriotism, then we should be ashamed to call ourselves humans
It’s up to us common man to break ourselves free. To begin with at least acknowledging the fact that irrespective of whether we endorse the new policy or not we are all equally helpless. Either group knows just as much. Both supporters and non-supporters of the demonetisation policy are fed by the same news channels and social media. The only difference is in what they choose to see and promote.
Policies and laws do not make life. They only aide in living. It’s people who make life worth living
Policies and laws do not make life. They only aide in living. It’s people who make life worth living
And given the fact, that social media and news channels need to be taken with a sack full of salt, isn’t it wise to use our own grey cells and be inclusive in our approach towards our fellow human beings. When you are gone, if you dream of leaving a thriving land for your kids, then it has got to do with a change in mindset now. Simply because, policies and laws do not make life. They only aide in living. It’s people who make life worth living.
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