14 Oct Step Out n Step It Workshop – what participants say!
The Step Out n Step It Up workshop on October 6 was a success, with participants leaving rejuvenated to begin their journey of transformation.
This is what a few of the beautiful souls who spent 4 hours with me have to say…
Suji’s words…
“Yesterday’s session was really nice. Felt like more of a conversation, which brought out those deep-seated concerns and fears out in the open…when it freely flowed out, I felt just relaxed and better with no shame of expressing it out. Thanks for your individual time, too.”
Sithara’s words…
“It was really an eye opener for most of the ladies. We are all Blessed to have had such an opportunity…looking forward for more such sessions.”
Celine’s words…
“Am grateful to receive positive energy from you wonderful ladies…!”
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