26 Mar It’s Mercury Retrograde… How to achieve your best now
All of you who follow zodiac signs and weekly, monthly, yearly forecasts would have heard of Mercury retrograde. How you are cautioned to be ‘careful’ and ‘watchful’. How this period overwhelms you, how it will bring forth the funk, how you can be disoriented by it all… and so on.
Well, the planets have to move around, and they will do, irrespective of how you and me react. Their movement do affect the other planets in the solar system, and thereby, do influence us earthly beings, too.
But if we were to be wary of the planets’ movements and halt our lives, we could never live. Because, if not for Mercury there are other planets that are in reverse motion or slowing or speeding or encroaching and influencing something or the other in the Cosmos on any given day.
And this time around apparently Jupiter is moving into some space that’s of ‘consequence’, making this time period one to tread carefully.
I am not an expert in planetology, astrology, astronomy… But being an earthly creation with absolute faith in the Supreme Power, qualifies me to give my two cents.
No matter which planet travels where, no matter what the consequences they bring forth. There is NOTHING to be concerned about. For the simple reason, that the FORCE that makes the planets go about is the same FORCE that makes you THRIVE!
Yes, it is all energy and, therefore, the affects predicted may hold true. But if you stay connected and vibrate at your highest frequency, no matter how much funk erupts, you will tide through without harm. Surrender to the HIGHEST POWER and go about your business of living. You will THRIVE!
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About the author
Nisha Sanjeev, is a author of two books, who traded 20 years of journalism to live her passion of helping others create the life they desire. When professional success failed to inspire her, convinced that there must be more to life than that, Nisha set out on her self-discovery in 2010. She unleashed her true identity following an arduous personal journey to overcome timidity and lack of self-worth. Years of studying and mentoring by masters have enabled her to have a distinctive outlook to life. She uses this distinctive view to help others.
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