04 Mar How to make ‘To-Do List’ work for you
Get your priorities right. Make a to-do list before you go to bed. Think it out, frame it out, read it aloud… Have you been a prey to this?
We all go through this phase, when nothing seems to be going right. Our pending tasks get long and longer and winding up our throats choking us into helplessness and disillusionment.
I’ve been through this often times, that I can describe how it makes my insides turn, and make me dislike all those around me, too. Until, I hit upon a fab idea of turning the vibes head-on.
When I see my to-do list getting the better off me, I hide it.
Yes, I put it beneath my files, underneath the pile of books and go for a walk. Upon my return, if it continues to haunt me, I put it under the mattress and swear at it loud – Lie buried there. Hatch as you please, I give a rats ass!’ And thump my chest in victory, as I spread myself wide across imagining it suffocating underneath me. I sleep over it!
The next morning, I take a buttery-white plain sheet, run my palms across it, feel its softness, blow a few kisses to it, place it on my desk and begin writing…
Title in bold, I underline: ‘My ACCOMPLISHMENTS LIST’
One, two, three…I list out everything I did in the last one week. I include not only my professional tasks that I completed but also personal ones. For instance, how I kept the promise to myself of drinking 3 litres of water every day and reading one book within four days. How I made cutlets for my baby, without she asking for them. I make the list as long as possible.
I sign it in bold and underline: ‘I AM AWESOME’
That day, I go about my normal tasks – both personal and professional at my own pace. In other words, I go with the flow. I do things that I feel like doing. Not forcing myself to do anything that is not in sync with me at that moment.
The only task that I force upon myself on that day, which I love calling my ‘Rejuvenation Day’ is to look at the my Accomplishments List every hour.
Yes, I time myself. Alarm beep on my mobile. Every hour I read my Accomplishments List.
When I hit the bed that night I have my most private moment with the Divine, saying my Gratitude for all I did that day.
The next day I’m back on track, full throttle, zooming ahead, striking off from the pending to-do list.
Try it out once. Trust me, you’ll love yourself more!
God Bless!
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