07 Aug 4 tips to stop thinking
Being in the present moment is the solution to all ills. To all issues. To all existential problems.
The power of the present moment is so immense that it can heal us.
But the only factor that keeps us from harnessing that is our inability to take away our attention from our thoughts – we dance to the tunes of our monkey mind 🙂
Here are 4 easy-to-practice tips to take control back from our thoughts.
Start counting in reverse
The moment you catch yourself being carried away by your thoughts start counting backwards from a digit that’s difficult for you. For example, say 200, 199, 198, 197… Start from 500 if you are number’s person. You can effectively arrest your train of thought.
Bring your attention to one of your sensory perception
Feel your palms. Feel the energy flow in your palms. Or your feet. Feel the blood circulation in there. Or you could smell your room, your desk…
Concentrate on your breathing
Inhalation and exhalation. Feel your abdomen rise and fall. With each breath tell yourself, how the negative emotions are being flushed off your body and with each inhalation feel and tell yourself how you are filling yourself with light. And slowly get your attention to your inner body and feel your inner body. This process is highly meditative, too.
Say you are not the thought
When you notice thoughts getting the better of you, pause and tell yourself, ‘I am not this thought.’ You have a choice. To use your free will. Use it now. Say the sentence as many times as you need to until you chase the thought of your mind. Initially, it may feel ridiculous. Do it nevertheless. Once you begin to say it with conviction, you will notice the slowness in your repetition. That’s a wonderful phase. It shows you are making progress. This is also a meditative practice.
Clarity of decision making, being free from anxiety and stress, manifestation of desires… all come from power of the present. Because in the present moment is when you will experience The Presence – your Inner Being – your essence – that which is one with the Universal Consciousness.
You may watch the video here
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About the author
Nisha Sanjeev, is a Transformation Strategist specializing in Practical Spirituality. She brings her real world experience of being a Journalist for over 20 years and her learnings from Spiritual Masters to her signature courses. Nisha is on a mission to help transform people, especially women, to love and respect themselves and create the life of freedom.
She is the author of 2 books. First book ‘Anamica’ details how an Indian girl goes into the verge of depression by sacrificing her self-worth and desires to live for others.
‘Step Out ‘n’ Step It Up’details how one can tap into their Inner Power to create the life they so desire.
Click here for my latest book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2GtxBzT
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Posted at 12:48h, 07 AugustThanks for this simple steps to follow and be in the present