24 Feb Lessons on the drive
I was never an elitist. Yet I had some reservations about certain people and communities....
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I was never an elitist. Yet I had some reservations about certain people and communities....
The Mayans cried wolf long before the world stepped into the 21st century. Their wolf...
It amazes, at times even disturbs, me when I discover what struck me from...
A lanky girl walked towards the bulletin board of her school reception, towing her sturdy...
There was a time when my bowel movements were controlled by avians (not aliens). You...
I straighten my back, heave out a guff of air and close my eyes. I...
All of us have dreams. But how many of us have dreams for our country?...
This morning I was sick…as usual. Nothing physical. Because I was never and will never...
Friends are like lighthouses…a quote that appeared on my Facebook page got me thinking. I...
By merely looking at students of a particular school, can you judge that school's performance? Well,...