26 May I am great! Thank You!
My acquaintances have been eager to access if I am a success ever since my book was published. How many copies sold? Did you make any money? Are you planning to write another? Is it worth the effort…
The other day as I sat ploughing through my column, one of my dear friends came online. “So how’s the book going?” When I gave the person a statuesque, instantly came the reply, “Shakespeare was not known in his lifetime,” along with a smiley.
A while later, a thought for the day was forwarded to me by another friend. ‘Shakespeare didn’t do MA. But today you study him for MA. Success is what you make of it.”
I’m moved by people’s interest in me, though two is too much of a coincidence.
So this picture comes out to all those who are conjuring up ideas about my mental and emotional well-being…
I am doing great! Thank You!
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